. Luckily nothing was broken, and I probably just pulled a muscle. Since I could not move my arm more than an inch or two from my side, the doctor gave me information on how to contact a physical therapist and sent me back home. On the way home I stopped at the pharmacy and picked up some pain relief patches, and when I got home took another daughter up on the use of a heating pad. I spent the rest of the weekend in bed, with pain patches on my back and a heating pad wrapped around my shoulder and behind my back. By Monday I was able to be up and around, I could move my arm several inches away from my body and dress myself without help or extreme pain. I have continued throughout the week with the patches and heating pad and each day it seems I can move a little easier without as much pain.
The reason I tell you this, is to express my gratitude. I guess life decided I needed a few days of rest and relaxation. Since I wasn't doing it on my own, it found a way to force me to listen. How often do we, or at least I know I do, focus on other people or concerns around us instead of caring for ourselves or giving ourselves permission to just chill out and relax. I thought I was doing a good job. After all I have been wasting time on Facebook reels lately, and even took myself to a movie alone. So. I express gratitude for an injury which wasn't serious, but painful enough to make me pause my everyday activities and take time for some needed rest. (Daily naps for 3 days.) I am grateful for unplanned time to think about my writing efforts of late. I am grateful for those people in my life that were willing to serve and take care of me for those few days, for their patience and understanding. I am grateful that I have given them skills they could use to care for themselves and for me.