I Love Being A Grandma

Never a Boring Day
Each Day a New Blessing
I Am a Unique Grandma Because Each Child is Unique

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Continues

Christmas Day is over but the fun is not gone. In spite of the economy we ended up with a very nice Christmas. Santa was generous, yet practical. Visits went fairly well, and I think gifts were appreciated.

Alexandra (my 10 year granddaughter that lives with me) got everything she asked for from Santa. She got art supplies, a new stuffed animal, a new book to read, a new fleece blanket (3 of them), pottery clay and new pajamas. She was so excited about everything and it was a pleasure to watch her playing and using her new things. Alex also ended up with 2 new coats with matching hats, scarves and gloves for each one. One coat normally would seem enough, but Alex likes to wear a different coat each day based on her mood, so this gives her 3 nice coats she can choose from and change the accessories around.

Antonio (Alex's 15 year old brother who also lives with me) was thrilled with the new digital camera he got, especially when he found out it worked as a web-cam as well. He spent several hours on the computer and internet yesterday playing with the photos he had taken and checking out how everything worked. He is hoping today to get a new facebook account so he can talk to his cousin Taylor and his sister Elisa. He also got a new shaving kit with a razor, so he is anxious to go to the store today and buy some shaving cream and try it out. Taylor told him that once he starts shaving his hair would actually start growing even more. He also got several new shirts and hats, which he is really happy about.

Cathy (my daughter who lives with me) got exactly what she wanted- the newest Stephen King book. So she will be busy for the next week or so since it is the size of at least 2 Harry Potter or Twighlight series books.

As for me, I got some bath supplies, movies, a new locket, and some new pajamas. My gift to myself was last week when I decided the medical bills I will be strapped with over the next few months were worth my being able to see, and I had cataract surgery on my right eye. I spent most of yesterday just relaxing and watching Christmas movies. I don't often take time for myself without feeling guilty or pressured to be doing something else, but I chose to not feel either of thm yesterday. So today I get to start back to trying to organize my house, sort through mail and put away all the clean clothes in the laundry room. Then I get to see what time I can carve out to work on budgets, newsletters and press releases for where I work. So I will hold the peace from yesterday to help me through the weekend.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

My Answer- Not what I thought

Thank you Lord for helping me to find the answer to how to get out of the depression I have been stuck in the past 2 months. I couldn't seem to pull myself out and want to get on with life. I felt like I had lost someone, as if in death, but it was my own choice, to encourage my granddaughter to give her baby to someone else. I knew in my heart it was right, and I, above all, knew it was the only choice for this baby to live a normal happy life. Yet something about the whole thing was keeping me unable to walk through the pain. I was stuck. Then the answer was revealed. What I could not get through was not knowing how the young couple that were to adopt this precious little great-granddaughter were doing. I was not upset because they had the baby to raise instead of my granddaughter raising her. I was frustrated because I could not share in their joy at raising this little girl. I could not be there to hear their fears and worries about how their new baby was doing, or to hear the laughter and joy in their voices as they spoke about how cute their little princess was in her new outfit or how she melted their hearts with her big beautiful eyes. Then I found it, their blog and my depression lifted. Here I could see the smiles on their faces. I was able to see and hear how dad thought his little princess was so smart because she would stick her tongue out like daddy did. The picture of 2 sad faces, mom's and daughter's was precious, but it let me know that the mother understood that not all moments are happy and she could share the sadness with love. I am thankful that they thought to post a picture of the new father with his brothers and father. Unlike my granddaughter and the aunt she lives with, I was not able to meet the extended family that would be loving this new baby. I didn't know if they were fun loving or serious. I could see that glint in almost every eye that said, watch out, we can only be this good for a short while, don't expect too much. I love the look on the faces of my granddaughter's aunts. You can see the adoration they have for this precious angel. Anyway, the point is I am thankful that these new parents are willing to share their adventure, and thankful that I was pointed to the answers to my prayer