I Love Being A Grandma

Never a Boring Day
Each Day a New Blessing
I Am a Unique Grandma Because Each Child is Unique

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Not Alone- Reaching Out

One of my favorite songs by Micheal McLean, an LDS artist, is entitled "You're Not Alone." I have loved it for years and often remind myself to have faith by remembering the truths in this song. We are not alone. Our Father in Heaven has not left us alone and never will. We are surrounded by the proof of his love and his presence, even when we choose not to look for his love, it is there waiting and when the time is right we will see and embrace the truth of "You Are Not Alone" as we have before and will find the perfect comfort and peace we need for those moments.

I am not alone. I felt alone and overwhelmed recently. I felt afraid, confused, abandoned, betrayed by those I love and misunderstood. My feelings were in conflict- I was happy and proud of a decision made, not easily but lovingly. I had struggled with the hole I felt in my heart because of the decision and found peace. Then it seemed like the peace had been snatched away and there was no one who could understand or hear my cries. Oh was I wrong. I was never alone, When I couldn't see through the pain to feel their love, my heavenly parents sent their message through someone else, a sister they knew could reach through the pain and remind me I was not alone and remind me that peace would be found again.

I am not alone. I have a sister who knows how to listen, support, encourage and guide me back to faith and hope. The Lord knows her well, and inspires her often. He fills her with love she can give away, wisdom to share and a strong testimony to light the paths ahead. Then he puts her near those he would have her bless and she does just that with humility and love.

I am not alone. My sister reminded me that she too had recently experienced a loss of her own, and yet the loss also brought blessings and faith she hadn't expected. She reminded me that grief is a process, and it is OK to feel the emotions, all the emotions, as many times as we need to and not feel guilty about it. Her shared thoughts and comments reminded me that this is only one of many trials the Lord feels I am capable of growing through and he gives me strength to handle many situations he would not even think of giving to others. She reminded me that life goes on and that the unique talents and gifts we each have will help us through the hard times and bring joy to replace the pain. She reminded me that prayer is the key, letting our Savior know of our pains so he can soothe and heal the aches with his mercy and grace. She reminded me to remember the promises I have been given, and that my time is not the same as those who have given me the promises, so to be patient and wait, having faith the promises will be fulfilled in ways I cannot even imagine.

I am not alone, and neither are you. We have a loving Father and Mother in Heaven that know us well and love us unconditionally. They want us to find happiness, and know the ways to reach us even when we are not listening or seeking their aide. They have not sent us alone into this world, but have surrounded us with family, friends, others who have gone through similar trials and can show us a way through and a Savior to help us carry the load when it seems too heavy to bear. They have blessed us to be immersed in a world of people to lift us through the creative talents that flow from heaven to earth through music, art, spoken and written words, compassion and service. We are surrounded by teachers and examples of all ages if we can open our spiritual eyes and look around.

I am not alone. You are not alone. Everyone in this world is eternally connected. Our paths my cross once or many times here on earth. We may be near or a great distance apart physically, but our spirits, unlimited by time and space, can connect with others through love, understanding and peace. We are surrounded by gifts and proof that we are not alone, that someone cares about our happiness and joy. I pray that we can each open our eyes, our hearts, our minds and our souls to accepting this truth - reaching out to accept those around us and reaching out to touch others.

1 comment:

  1. I love Michael Mclean,and that is one of my favorite songs, haven't heard it for awhile, I will have to get it out . You sound a little bit better this week. that's good. hang in there and it is nice to know that we are not alone.
    Love you,
