Life Moves On. There is no way to stop it. No matter what you do, or do not do- Life Moves On.
Life Moves On. There is in way to slow it down, pause it or even stop it. There is no way you can rewind it, speed it up or fast forward it. There is no way you can hasten it along or make it linger. You cannot keep up with the count as the moments flow on. and in the trying you fall even further behine. It just keeps moving whether you want it to or not at its own steady pace.
Life Moves On, It brings you a myriad of experiences, feelings, lessons, hopes and even disappointment. It moves you from stage to stage never clearly marking where one ends and the next one starts. Life ages you gradually, one day at a time and doesn't require a thank you for its gift. Life allows you to choose how you will experience it, and doesn't care whether you change your mind occasionally on how you will do it. Life understands no days are alike so each day may be faced in different ways . Life leaves memories in it's wake, and understands if you choose to forget some, and treasure others, or even sometimes have to reach back to search for some you forgot to gather while they were happening Life as you know it begins and then in an instant it changes or ceases to exist at all. Then Life Moves On,
Life Moves On. It is different. You are different. There are Questions to be answered and Questions to ask. Life asks what you did with it and why and listens patiently even when it already knows the answers, for it knows your retelling life in your own words is how you decide to accept your life. You Move On with Life.
Then Life Moves On.