Just wishing everyone a wonderful World Book Day. Of course, in my opinion, any day can be a good book day. Take some time today to find something that makes you smile.
Grandma Linda Writes
I Love Being A Grandma
Each Day a New Blessing
I Am a Unique Grandma Because Each Child is Unique
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Happy World Book Day
Just wishing everyone a wonderful World Book Day. Of course, in my opinion, any day can be a good book day. Take some time today to find something that makes you smile.
Friday, March 8, 2024
Life insisted - I needed to rest
. Luckily nothing was broken, and I probably just pulled a muscle. Since I could not move my arm more than an inch or two from my side, the doctor gave me information on how to contact a physical therapist and sent me back home. On the way home I stopped at the pharmacy and picked up some pain relief patches, and when I got home took another daughter up on the use of a heating pad. I spent the rest of the weekend in bed, with pain patches on my back and a heating pad wrapped around my shoulder and behind my back. By Monday I was able to be up and around, I could move my arm several inches away from my body and dress myself without help or extreme pain. I have continued throughout the week with the patches and heating pad and each day it seems I can move a little easier without as much pain.
The reason I tell you this, is to express my gratitude. I guess life decided I needed a few days of rest and relaxation. Since I wasn't doing it on my own, it found a way to force me to listen. How often do we, or at least I know I do, focus on other people or concerns around us instead of caring for ourselves or giving ourselves permission to just chill out and relax. I thought I was doing a good job. After all I have been wasting time on Facebook reels lately, and even took myself to a movie alone. So. I express gratitude for an injury which wasn't serious, but painful enough to make me pause my everyday activities and take time for some needed rest. (Daily naps for 3 days.) I am grateful for unplanned time to think about my writing efforts of late. I am grateful for those people in my life that were willing to serve and take care of me for those few days, for their patience and understanding. I am grateful that I have given them skills they could use to care for themselves and for me.
Thursday, February 8, 2024
Reading Along With You
I came across this picture the other day and had to pause. I couldn't help but think about my grandparents, and my parents and their examples of reading.
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
A New Start
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Filling Your Bucket
Friday, January 12, 2018
A Fun Pirate Costume
When I started looking at clothes for the dolls, back in 2016, one of the articles I read suggested using clothes made for preemies. In order to see how they fit, I purchased an outfit that my grandson liked. The print on the shirt (a on piece that was long enough to snap over a diaper) was a teddy bear with a pirate scarf and eye patch. Although it was too long for the doll's torso, I saved it, thinking I could use it later or remake it.
I searched Pinterest and online costume retailers and found a variety of ideas. I decided I wanted something simple, the kids could see themselves as. The shirt was a perfect beginning. I cut the bottom off the shirt, keeping it a little long to go over his pants. Next, I made a red scarf from some red cotton and tied it around his head. The eye patch was made from black felt and held on by a piece of black elastic. I was planning to pair the shirt with some blue pants but Lilly, my granddaughter, insisted he needed red pants. So I used a basic pattern to make him a pair of red pants. We used some boots, previously purchased for one of the other dolls. Jilly, another granddaughter told me real pirates always wore a vest. So she helped me find some felt squares to make a two-toned vest. Finally no pirate would be complete without a waist sash. His ended up being black satin.
This has ended up being one of my favorite outfits to make for this particular doll. Next to the camouflage outfit, it is also a favorite of my grandson. I hope you like it as well as he does.
Monday, January 8, 2018
A Princess Inspired Costume
Here is a picture of the finished princess costume that one of the book characters wore in the book, Prince Taylor's Corn Maze Halloween.( one of the Princess Jelisa children's stories).