The reason is my own insecurity and lack of trust in her presentation of matters she has voiced concerns about. In her mind, she may feel she is offering assistance, but it doesn't seem to feel that way to me. I know, it is just my perception of her and my personal reaction to her comments, yet I find myself dreading the results she could create by talking about her concerns and beliefs of how I should be running the office, what a caring company should be doing for their employees, or what we are doing as an office or team that should be changed, how or by whom.

I know I am an asset to the organization and what I do has value. My interactions with clients is often just as important, and sometimes much more delicate in balance, than other team members in the office. I know I am an asset to the organization in the way I have and do interact with other team members in our office and offer support, encouragement and suggestions. I know I am valued as someone who is dependable and steady, yet flexible enough to be called on to take on new duties and able to handle changes and challenges with a great attitude. This knowledge and confidence is what I will hold onto during the next few weeks.
My answer to the question is this - I Will Trust Myself and Others. I will trust myself that during the next two weeks my efforts, abilities and knowledge will be proven to others. I will trust that I will make a personal list of subjects, based on local co-worker comments or concerns, which I may need to be prepared to discuss after this particular co-worker's visit to the corporate office, I will trust the knowledge, experience and skills of corporate managers and owners to know what is pertinent or not pertinent to the well being of the local office as well as the overall company.
I will hope that you also can make the same decision. Trust yourself. Trust those who know you well. Trust your abilities, learned skills, knowledge and ethics will be noticed and appreciated. Trust in the abilities, knowledge, ethics and beliefs of those who have an influence on your life. Lastly, trust, as I will be, that the best will be the end result.
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